I’d speed all day long if that’s what it took to get pulled over by this beast of a patrol car.
© 2014 Tyrel Bramwell
I’d speed all day long if that’s what it took to get pulled over by this beast of a patrol car.
© 2014 Tyrel Bramwell
As it gets closer to Call Day, and before anxiety has the chance to take over, allow me the privilege of offering a prayer (from the Minister’s Prayer Book) for all my brothers and their families:
“O God, heavenly Father, who desirest all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth, give me [as well as my classmates and their families] thy Spirit and strengthen [our] heart[s] that [we] may never despair, but labor in hope, look unto Christ, endure his cross, and finally have part in his joy. Give [us] grace to proclaim the truth wisely, charitably, and acceptably, and so to present the Lord Jesus Christ in word and deed, that people may hear him gladly. Be thou [our] strength and embolden [us] to serve thee, that, renouncing every worldly ambition and unworthy method, [we] may trust only in the power of thy Word and thy Spirit and never shrink from declaring thy saving Word of truth, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” — J.W.D.
Photograph is of the painting that hangs above the baptismal font in Kramer Chapel on the campus of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
© 2014 Tyrel Bramwell
Spring Tune Up (2014)
This past Saturday I spent the day in the garage doing a few things to Solly (the westy’s name has changed several times in the past year, but I think Solly is going to stick). It was time for an oil change, plus we’re trouble shooting a rough start/poor running problem that has been around sense the temperatures dropped in the late fall.
Of course, as my pappy always says, if something can go…
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I love the idea of anthropomorphizing machines. I love the idea of taking technology and giving it a personality.
— J.J. Abrams
© 2014 Tyrel Bramwell
The joy of Easter is the peace of Christ. “Peace to you!… Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?” (Luke 24:36–38) Good questions. Why am I troubled? Why do doubts arise in my heart? Christ is risen! There is no need to worry, there is no need to doubt. He has accomplished His task. He has purchased me with His blood. It is indeed finished! I am His. And if I am His then there is certainly nothing to be troubled about.
Photo taken at Trinity Lutheran Church, Palo Alto, CA. © 2014 Tyrel Bramwell
First deep clean…
The Westy came with a variety of treasures, a fact that made the first deep clean (spring of 2013) a little more interesting.
One of my favorite treasures from under the seat is the shop manual simply because the Kombi on the cover is a spitting image of ours!
The mosquito screen for the rear door looks like it has never been used.
The coffee cup closest to the aluminum foil is truly rad!…
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It’s been about a year since we’ve posted anything about the Westy. We bought it knowing full well that we wouldn’t be able to do too much with it for a year, that is, until I finished my seminary studies and started bringing in that ever important commodity known as…. cash. ;) Well, the years about up and the Kombi is begging for some attention.
We’re starting with a standard tune-up and…
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One thing’s for sure, this dog’s no Airedale Terrier.
© 2014 Tyrel Bramwell
In the fantasy of my mind — my personal Narnian imagination — there exists a delightful couple of anthropomorphized turtles who enjoy taking in the springtime sun amid the blossoming flowers of my grandfather’s garden. They sit around calmly conversing about all that is small town delight. They never have a bad thing to say about anyone, save the insatiably barbarous, not to mention rude, deer that mutilate the poor gardener’s artistry.
© 2014 Tyrel Bramwell
The thaw brings the ability to venture freely — uninhibited by pounds of gear used to counter the frigid winter conditions — into the outdoors.
Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago said it as good as anyone could when in the poem, Earth he described the rushing in of spring and the activity of life blossoming in the city in contrast to the wilderness beyond civilization, “that’s just what my call is for — to keep the miles of great outdoors and the land outside the city bounds from grieving in their loneliness!”
© 2014 Tyrel Bramwell